2747 BARTLETT BLVD, 38134 / PH: 901:7485308
HealthCare Services
Did you know that your insurance usually covers a yearly Preventive Healthcare Physical Exam. Visit Hardy House and we will tell you about the preventive screenings in which you should have based on your health history. We want to prevent hypertension, diabetes, obesity and most importantly decrease your cancer risks. Come in and see how we can become partners to improve your health.
Physical Exams
Acute Visits
DOT Exams
Well Child Exam
Well Women Exam
Well Male Exam
Sports Physicals
College Physicals
Preventive Care
Birth Control/Nexplanon
Cervical Screenings
Diabetes, Hypertension
Asthma Management
Thyroid disease
Cholesterol Maanagment
Other Chronic Illnesses
Urinary Tract Infections
Ear/Sinus Infections
Strep Throat/Abscess
Minor Injuries/Allergies
Pink Eye/ Allergic conjuctivitis
Upper Respiratory Illness
Asthma Exacerbation
Pregnancy Test
Birth control counseling
STD's and treatment
Pap/Pelvic Exams
Weight Loss, Injections & Infusions
The Hardy House is here to help you on your journey to losing weight. The number one contributor of hypertension, diabetes, and other cardiovascular risks is obesity. As of 2015, the Shelby County Health Department reports that over 35 % of Tennessee residents are obese. We want to introduce healthy eating habits, increase your energy and metabolism, and help you discover the best weight loss options for you. It is imperative that we tackle obesity to decrease risk factors that contribute to detrimental illnesses which are the source of chronic diseases. Below is a plan of care that describes some of the medications, treatment, and tests that may be required to assist in your weight loss journey. We want to emphasize that weight loss is achieved through exercise, behavioral modification, medications, and diet. Together we must discover a plan that can help you maintain your weight loss over time. Hardy House is focused on changing your lifestyle and behavioral patterns to maintain your weight loss results over a lifetime.
Weight Loss visit requires labs within the last 6 months
and an initial weight loss consult!
​Weigh Loss Visit $60
Hydration Infusion $60
Immunity Hydration Infusion $70
Energy Infusion $70
Beauty Infusion $70
Myers Cocktail Infusion $100
Vitamin C Boost $10 extra added to any injection or IV Hydration
B12 injections- $25
Lipotonix injections- $35
Phentermine prescription requires an office visit!
(Hydration Infusions and vitamin injections are highly recommended
in conjunction with your weight loss treatments)
Semaglutide Weekly Injections
Schedule of Treatment: (Free B12 injection after every 4th injection)
Week 1-4 0.25mg once weekly $65/ injection
Week 5-8 0.5mg once weekly $75/injection
Week 9-12 1 mg once weekly $85/injection
Week 13-16 1.5 mg once weekly $95/injection
Week 17-20 2.0 mg once weekly $105/injection
Week 21-25 2.5 mg once weekly $115/injection
Tirzepatide Plus Weekly Injections
Schedule of Treatment: (Free B12 injection after every 4th injection)
Week 1-4 2.5mg once weekly $70/ injection
Week 5-8 5mg once weekly $95/injection
Week 9-12 7.5 mg once weekly $120/injection
Week 13-16 10 mg once weekly $140/injection
Week 17-20 12.5 once weekly $160/ injection
Injections will then vary based on response to medications. Dose changes based on weight loss response and side effects.
Weight Loss
Initial 4 wks injections BUNDLE $300 Semaglutide (0.25 mg)/ $320 Tirzepatide (2.5mg
Week 5-8 injections BUNDLE $340 Semaglutide (0.5 mg) / $400 Tirzepatide (5 mg)
Week 9-12 injection BUNDLE $380 Semaglutide (1mg) / $520 Tirzepatide (7.5 mg)
This BUNDLE includes your 1st month of Semaglutide injections and 1 Energy Hydration Infusions. This plan will expedite your weight loss efforts and you will save $$$. Office Visit included in this bundle.
Multiple weight loss medications may be prescribed. Please make an appointment to talk about your best weight-loss options.
Lipotonix injection is a concentrated 2 mL shot full of all natural multivitamins that will certainly boost your metabolism, curve your appetite, and get you ready to achieve your weight loss goals. It is only $35. See ingredients below:
Thiamine-increase sugar and carb metabolism to produce energy
Riboflavin-helps body to metabolize carbs, fats, and protein to increase energy
Niacin-decrease cholesterol, eases arthritis and boost brain function
Pyridoxine-aid in hemoglobin production
MIC-Methionine (M) - an amino acid that acts to prevent excess fat build-up in the liver and the body. It is helpful in relieving and preventing fatigue and is believed to take action in the anti-inflammatory process by reducing histamine release. Inositol (I) - a nutrient belonging to the B vitamin complex; closely associated with choline. It aids in the metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol. Inositol participates in the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to control mood and appetite. Choline (C) - supports the health of the liver by processing and excreting chemical waste products within the body. In addition, it facilitates fat absorption by the cells. It is essential for the health of kidneys and liver.
B12 – an essential vitamin that helps form new healthy cells in the body. It acts as an energy booster, helping increase activity level, improve sleep patterns, and provide relief from allergies and stress.
L- Carnitine - an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body as a primary building block for protein. It helps your body to produce energy, carries fat into cells so it can be burned as fuel, and assists in the reduction of belly fat.
Chromium - a metal that is helpful in building muscle, in burning fat and in facilitating the body’s use of carbohydrates
B12 - Cyananocobalamin injection is a 1mL essential vitamin that helps form new healthy cells in the body. It acts as an energy booster, helping increase activity level, improve sleep patterns, and provide relief from stress. It is only $25.
Hydration Infusion is a 30-45 minutes intravensous infusion The infusion contains the following: B1, B3-, B2, B5 , B6, B12 that will help to increase your overall health and wellness while assisting with increasing vitamins that improve metabolism $70
Energy Hydration Infusion is a 30-45 minute intravenous infusion in a newly designed private Hydration Room. This infusion is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that will boost your immunity and energy levels. The infusion contains the following: B1, B3-, B2, B5 , B6 ; Amino Blend - (Glutaimine 30 mg, Arginine 100 mg, Ornithine 50 mg, Lysine 50 mg, Citruline 50 mg, Carnitine 100 mg/mL) . This includes free chair massage. $80
Immunity Hydration Infusion is a 30-45 minute Intravenous Infusion in our newly designed private Hydration room. This infusion is packed with 1000mg Vitamin C. This infusion also includes Ascorbic Acid, B1, B2,B3,B5, B6, and Zinc. This includes fee chair massage. $80
Beauty Infusion is a 30-45 minute A 30-45 intravenous infusion in our newly designed private hydration room. This infusion is packed Biotin that has been shown in research to improve the health of your skin, nails, and hair. The infusion contains the following: B1- 500 mg, B2, B3- 500mg, B5 -10 mg, B6 -10 mg. This includes free chair massage. $80
Myer's Cocktail Infusion is a 30-45 minute intravenous infusion in our newly designed private Hydration Room. The infusion consist of MagnesiumCL, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Calcium, and ascorbic acid alall d. This infusion will improve inflammation and achy joints caused by arthritis and other conditions. This includes free chair massage. $80

Medications and Service Price List
Infant Well Child $120
Well Child New 1-4yr $120
Well Child Est 1-4yr $110
Well Child New5-11yr $120
Well Child Est 5-11yr $120
Well Child New 12-17yr $120
Well Child Est 12-17yr $140
Adult Phy New 18-39 $140
Adult Phy Est 18-39 $140
Adult Phy New40-64 $140
Adult Phy Est 40-64 $140
Adult Phy 65 and older $140
Adult Phy 65 and older $140
Sports Physical $25
DOT Physicals $100
Weight Loss Visit $60
Employment Physicals $60
Lab Prices Only (does not include office visit)
Labs for Adult Well Visits $85 (CBC, CMP, A1C, Lipid, TSH, UA)
Children Well Exam Labs $65 (Hemoglobin & Lead)
EKG $50
STD Testing (Blood) = $100 (HIV, HSV, UA, Pregnancy)
STD Testing (Urine) = $100 (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas, UA, Pregnancy)
Labs for Weight Loss Visit = $60 (A1C & TSH)
Office Visit $120 (starting price)
Medications and Other Services
Injection: patient bring medication $25
Albuterol Nebulizer $60
B12 $25
Blood Glucose$15
Benadryl 25 mg injection$25
Birth Control Counseling$45
Blood collection (Phlebotomy only) Lab will bill patient for test $25
Cervical Screening (Pap smear lab sent out) $120
Clinical Brest Exam (included with Office visit) $90
Drug Screen urine (sent out to lab) $40
DTap (Diphteria, Tetanus, Pertussis) $120
Ear wax removal $60
Flu vaccine $30; Flu vaccine 65 and older $65
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) $300
Hepatitis A (child) $100
Hepatitis A (Adult) series req $130
Hepatitis B series req $125
Hepatitis B (child) $125
Influenza Testing A & B $70
LipotoniX Plus Injections $30
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) $135
Meningitis (Meningococcal) $215
Nexplanon insertion fee $250
Pneumonia (pneumococcal) $160-$250
Polio $180
Pregnancy Test $20
Sinus Cocktail (Benadryl & Steroid & Antibiotic) $65
Solumedrol $40
Toradol $35
Rapid Strep Test $40
Sexually Transmitted Illness Testing (requires office Visit) $120 starting
TB skin test with reading $60
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) $120
Td (Tetanus and Diphtheria) $90
Urinalysis dipstick (in house) $20
Shingles $200
Testosterone $45
COVID -19 vaccination Free
Rapid COVID and Influenza - $100 (testing performed as car visit)